Affiliate Members

Jed Bayasi

Jed Bayasi

Jed Bayasi graduated from medical school in 1993, internal medicine training in Michigan 2019, pulmonary training in New York 2001, and critical care training in Tucson Arizona 2007.

Photo not available

Voichita Ianas

Voichita Ianas graduated from Infectious Disease fellowship at The University of Arizona in 2010 and has been working as an ID physician in Maricopa county since then.  Encounters often occur with patients with coccidioidomycosis; Voichita helps with diagnosis and treatment and is grateful to work for Indian Health currently and take care of diverse infections in Native Americans, including Valley fever. There is a significant increased rate of hospitalization and mortality of coccidioidomycosis among Native patients.

Stephen Johnston

Stephen Johnston

Stephen Albert Johnston is the inventor of the Calviri's central technologies. In addition to Calviri, he has been a founder of Eliance, Inc. (Macrogenics), Synbody Biotechnology and HealthTell, Inc. He is Director of the Arizona State University Biodesign Institute's Center for Innovations in Medicine and Professor in the School of Life Sciences. He has published almost 200 peer-reviewed papers and holds 45 patents. Prior to his appointment at ASU he was Professor and Director of the Center for Biomedical Inventions at UT-Southwestern Medical Center and Professor of Biology and Biomedical Engineering at Duke University. He is a member of the National Academy of Inventors. Dr. Johnston received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Wisconsin.

Kieran Sikdar

Kieran Sikdar

Kieran Sikdar has over 20 years of experience using decentralized, regenerative solutions to solve stormwater management and natural resource challenges. A certified floodplain manager, water harvesting professional, and permaculture designer, Kieran is experienced in water quality, water security, and water conservation program development, design, policy, best practices, stakeholder engagement, and training. He has worked from the home-scale to the basin-scale in watershed planning and engineering design, focusing on regenerative solutions with green infrastructure (GI) and low impact development (LID). He serves on the Pima County Regional Flood Control District Advisory Committee and the Board of Directors of the Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District.

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